Dawson and Phillip

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

8 months old, two teeth, and standing up.....

The boys are 8 months and three weeks old. Andrew has been getting up in the morning around 6:30 or 7am, when the boys wake up. Phillip is our talker. He is making noises that sound like mama, dada, and hi, and well many others. Dawson makes little noises and usually not for very long. They are doing all kinds of things like eating from a spoon, standing up, waving, and clapping their hands. It seems everyday is really very different from the last.
Dawson is very strong and sometimes very hard to hold on to. He is our little bruiser. He likes to clap his hands, jump up and down, and is almost always standing up in the "baby jail". He is great at crawling and standing and loves to explore around the house. He is very good at eating from a spoon but it is getting easier. He doesn't nap for very long at a time, but when he does he loves to snuggle.

Phillip is our little sweet heart. He doesn't stand up very much but he is trying more and more. He loves to laugh with you and smiles all the time. He eats very well from a spoon and gama has him drinking from a straw. Phillip sleeps for long periods of time when he naps and also loves to snuggle. He has two teeth now and he is about to get the top two.

My mom is wonderful to us, always taking care of the boys and you can tell she truly loves it. She is great with them though at times it's tough and I think it won't be long before it's too much for her by herself. She does let them drink from a straw and sings to them and makes them laugh, it is love for sure.

Andy gets up in the early morning and always puts them to sleep at night. I work from 4pm to 12am so i get the day with them and it's wonderful but i always feel it's harder and harder to go to work. If I had it all my way I would stay at home with my babies and it would be awesome! Sometimes I wake up and come down stairs to find them just a little bit bigger than I last remembered. I know it won't be long until they really are walking and talking and I fear i might miss it! Life is definitely about them and I love it.

1 comment:

  1. OMG they are getting so big! I know first had how much you "ALL" love those boys! I enjoyed it so much seeing them and holding them. It seems they have grown a lot since Aug. when I was there.
    I laughed when I saw Phillip (? to hard to tell who is who LOL) with one of the monkeys we brought out.
    Love your blogs..makes me feel like we are there.
    Can't waite to see them and you all at Christmas..By the way were will you all stay?
