Dawson and Phillip

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Birthdays, Holidays, many days come and gone....

Dawson and Phillip have grown so much since my last blog! Phillip started walking on Nov. 8, 2010 and Dawson followed on Nov. 13, 2010! I can remember being so happy for them to walk and also so scared all at the same time. The falling on thier butts didn't bother me as much as the falling on thier heads or even on a hard plastic toys that cover thier play area.
On Dec. 19th 2010 Gama Sajben, Andy, phillip, Dawson and I set out on our road trip to Mankato, MN and later to Kansas City, MO. Andy and I were worried about the boys but I have to say they did amazing. They slept most of the time and the only fussy times were usually quited with a video or an interactive toy. We had a wonderful road trip. We stopped at resturaunts and let the boys walk around and bang on booths. They ate mostly baby food and they loved the arrowroot gerber brand cookies. We only had one incident where i had to change my shirt in a restroom due to being surprised with what we call a blaster (a blaster is a poopie that is exploding out of the diaper and usually on you).
Dec. 21, 2010 -We first drove into mankato and went straight to Grandma and Grandpa Biehn's. It was wonderful watching the boys make thier way around thier grandparents house picking up anything they could find and sneaking it into thier mouths. Max, a sweet little dog, shared his food a couple of times with the boys. I wasn't expecting people to be so kind about the boys picking up breakables, taking books off the book shelfs, and pulling on the electronics, but everyone was quick to say "they can't hurt anything," or "it's only stuff."
Dec. 22, 2010 FIRST BIRTHDAY- The second day went by so quickly! It was Dawson and Phillip's 1st birthday! We went over to the Biehn Headquaters and had a wonderful lunch. It was brisket with pickles and home made potatoe salad. Grandma Biehn had some ice cream waiting for the boys. She fed Dawson and I fed Phillip and they gobbled that ice cream up! She kept telling them they can have as much as they want on their birthdays! After that we went out and bought some balloons all of the rest of the party stuff was taken care of by Grandma and Grandpa Biehn. Th cake was a huge whinnie the pooh themed chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Dawn was very adiment about the cake needing to be chocolate chocolate! We had the party at the boy's great grandmother Dorothy Casset's house. Almost all of the family was there. It was so heart warming everyone came out to celebrate! The boys didn't get into ripping the paper much. They loved chasing the balloons and ...CAKE TIME!! It was very endearing to watch the family together and to be with them all, at our children's 1st birthday party!
Dec. 23, 2010 -The day after the party we took the boys sledding at Spring Lake Park! Tammy and Chris came with us, and they where so sweet and understanding, becuase we were only there for about 30 minutes. There was 3 to 4 feet of snow on the ground on this day. I never went sledding in so much snow before! Phillip and I got stuck in the snow a little bit and it was a little tricky crawling out of snow (up to my knees) with out using my hands. Phillip didn't really like it much. He was nonchulant about all the new environment, he was focused on holding onto mommy! Daddy and Dawson went down a small hill, mommy and Phillip followed a little after. It was awesome to sled down a hill with our babies!
Dec. 24, 2010 CHRISTMAS EVE - The Biehn family tradition of eating cheeseburgers,and french fries, is a cherishable moment I can't wait to relive next year! The Boys sat in high chairs that Grandma and Grandpa Biehn tracked down for us to use while we where there. Dawson and Phillip where wonderful little gentelmen! ...................

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