Dawson and Phillip

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, March 8, 2010

2 months old and starting to smile!

It wasn't long ago that the boys just ate, drank and slept. In the past month and half they have started to be more aware of the world and it's pretty awesome. Dawson was first to smile maybe as early as the first week of his life, but now when you talk to him you know he is smiling back at you. Phillip has only recently really started to smile more and more. It is really amazing when you know it's because of you they are smiling. The feeling is of abundant joy and then it's followed by an extreme need to share the news. It's like no matter how many times I see them smile I just want to share it with others. I am constantly saying "oh did you see that?"
We bought a baby gym that you put on the floor and lie the baby underneath it's rattles and toys that hang down. Dawson loved it right away though there was no real evidence he was touching the toys on purpose. Phillip didn't like it as much. Now when you stick Dawson under the toys he bats away aiming for the toys. He mostly hits the alligator toy. Phillip also now loves the baby gym. He will even stop toys from moving with his hand which is so much progress from a few weeks ago.
To see them respond is so much fun I really can't wait for the up and coming months, let alone years, of many developments to come.

This is a picture of our first walk.

Sleepy daddy!

Andy has been working 11am to 7pm or 9am to 5pm Thursday through Monday and staying up with the babies till 1 or 2. That is when my mom takes over . I am working 9pm to 5am Tuesday through Saturday.

These are some random shots and their 2 month old picks.

My cousin Jennifer , her daughter Priscilla and boyfriend James came to Vegas to see the boys and it was a lot of fun. I took the boys everywhere it seemed and it was wonderful.

My mom is calling Dawson the alarm clock because he wakes almost on the dot every three hours to be fed. Phillip loves to be on his tummy and will fuss sometimes until he gets his way. Their fingernails grow really fast, Andy and I take turns cutting them. They do scratch up their faces if you don't cut them fast enough.

It is amazing to have my life filled with love and wonderful people! I feel so blessed to have a wonderful mother who is helping me so much by staying up long hours and always helping us out with watching the boys! I am also so grateful for my husband! Andy is truly a wonderful dad! He does anything and everything he can for his sons and I never feel alone with the responsibilities. I have friends that have come to visit and sent cards or gifts, it is amazing!