Dawson and Phillip

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

8 months old, two teeth, and standing up.....

The boys are 8 months and three weeks old. Andrew has been getting up in the morning around 6:30 or 7am, when the boys wake up. Phillip is our talker. He is making noises that sound like mama, dada, and hi, and well many others. Dawson makes little noises and usually not for very long. They are doing all kinds of things like eating from a spoon, standing up, waving, and clapping their hands. It seems everyday is really very different from the last.
Dawson is very strong and sometimes very hard to hold on to. He is our little bruiser. He likes to clap his hands, jump up and down, and is almost always standing up in the "baby jail". He is great at crawling and standing and loves to explore around the house. He is very good at eating from a spoon but it is getting easier. He doesn't nap for very long at a time, but when he does he loves to snuggle.

Phillip is our little sweet heart. He doesn't stand up very much but he is trying more and more. He loves to laugh with you and smiles all the time. He eats very well from a spoon and gama has him drinking from a straw. Phillip sleeps for long periods of time when he naps and also loves to snuggle. He has two teeth now and he is about to get the top two.

My mom is wonderful to us, always taking care of the boys and you can tell she truly loves it. She is great with them though at times it's tough and I think it won't be long before it's too much for her by herself. She does let them drink from a straw and sings to them and makes them laugh, it is love for sure.

Andy gets up in the early morning and always puts them to sleep at night. I work from 4pm to 12am so i get the day with them and it's wonderful but i always feel it's harder and harder to go to work. If I had it all my way I would stay at home with my babies and it would be awesome! Sometimes I wake up and come down stairs to find them just a little bit bigger than I last remembered. I know it won't be long until they really are walking and talking and I fear i might miss it! Life is definitely about them and I love it.

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

My mom and I went to the Summerlin parade on Saturday the 3rd of July. It was pretty fun, we came late and I was happy that we weren't there for the entire parade b/c of the heat. The boys loved the Pirate float!

We celebrated the 4th of July at our home. We had the Moodys, Dave, Stephanie and Steve over. My mom went crazy in the kitchen, she made deviled eggs, mac n cheese and cut up a lot of veggies. Andy came home from work, put on his 4th of July hat and started grilling! The boys did really well with all the people over. When the fireworks started booming the boys didn't cry or fuss. We took them out side to the street where everyone was setting off their own fireworks. The boys watched with amusement around 9:30pm Dawson fell asleep in my arms as we were standing on the street watching all the fireworks. Phillip lasted a bit longer but also grew tired. Claire was going nuts as usually but would not stop barking. Their first fourth of July was pretty awesome. My mom got all of us old navy tees so we all matched "It's a family thing," I would say. Diana and Roy sent us their 1st fourth of July bibs!

After everyone left Andy and I talked about how much we are looking forward to the future and some day teaching the boys about fireworks.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

6 Months Old

The boys turned six months old on Tuesday and of course time as always is slipping away and I feel they are growing up way too quickly. Dawson has started to open his mouth and eat from a spoon really well and Phillip has begun to sit up for a bite and lunge forward. They are sitting in thier high chairs and bumbo seats when they eat. Dawson loves to smack the spoon and get baby food every where and Phillip focuses on eating but then proceeds to put his hands in his mouth and smear the food every where. Some days it's very easy to feed them other days it feels like they fill the laundry and trash baskets just cleaning up after them.

I finally got off grave yard and now I am working the 4pm to 12am shift at Santa Fe. Andy is in the midst of tournament time at the Golden Nugget and so he works only as a floor supervisor from 9am to 5pm. My mom watches the boys in the lapse between our shifts and usually we eat lunch or dinner together before I head off to work.

For Andy's first Father's Day I woke up with the boys to let him sleep, made the worst breakfast of all time, and gave him some special gifts. My mom had a hat customized for him that states "#1 Poppa" and on the sides "unstoppable and Andy" he loved it. He also recieved some work shirts and ties, some flip flops, and CD. The boys, my mom and I took Andy lunch at the Golden Nugget and you should have seen the people flock to the boys. The cocktail watresses were surrounding the stroller and then many players came over to see them. One Player Andy knows said that the sight of the boys was so beautiful, it made his millinium and that he was being inspried to write future poetry. I was really glad we made it down town to show off our babies on Father's Day, that was probably Andy's favorite part. We went out the Monday after to a steak house at Red Rock Casino called T-Bones. Father's Day was pretty fun. I can only imagine it will be more fun next year when the boys are over 1 years old. I am very much looking forward to the furure and all that holidays.

Wednesday the 23 of June Andy's Aunt Peggy passed away. It was sad news even though not to unexpected. I got meet his Aunt Peggy once and was delightful and ver very sweet!

The boys are startng to put thier feet in thier mouth and rolling and scooting when ever they can. It is getting harder to go out with out one of them crying. They enjoy being sung to, being read to, touching different textures and trying new flavors. They have mastered green beans, squash, carrots, and we are going to start them using sippy cups soon. They are sleeping from 9:30 to 5:30 or 7:30 and it goes back and forth who will wake up first.

Things are going pretty well and I am in love with my baby boys!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

catching up!

A lot has happened since my last post. The boys got to meet Grandma and Grandpa Biehn. Dawn and Sonny came into town the third week in April and were here for the boys 4th month birthday. I know the boys won't remember but we all went and had our picture taken at a walmart picture studio. It was great everybody went along to get the picture done.

Dawson at 4 months was rolling over strong. Phillip started rolling over around 4 months and 3 weeks. We also started feeding them cereal. That was fun. My mom and I feed them cereal first April 23rd 2010. Phillip ate it very well, he even opened his mouth in anticipation for the next bite. I thought Phillip was amazing opening his mouth since he had never eaten from a spoon before. Dawson wasn't as smooth at eating and almost all that went in got spit right back out. By the next day it seemed Dawson improved a little.
Their 4th month birthday came and went, it seems time is just slipping through my fingers. Dawson started giggling around the 4 month mark, and Phillip began smiling. Their personalities are distinct and so different from one another. It is always interesting to see who does what and when they do it. I try not to but I can't help comparing their developement. They do things in their own time no doubt about that.
I was thinking about their nick names and since the day they were born they began getting nick names. I called Dawson popeye b/c he squinted when I fed him and would eat that way. Phillip was dubbed "Philly Cheesesteak" for maybe an hour. My mom calls them "Honey Boy" and latley I call Dawson Dawsie and Phillip "Sweets McGeets". They get new nick names so often I am always curious which ones will stick.

My mom went to Kansas City on the 12th of May just to visit which she definatly needed. We were kind of in a fret about who could watch the boys while I slept but Jennifer Mussoff volunteered and Kam Yee Cadez. We were trying to figure out who would watch them and Andy got a phone call from his mother saying her father had died. It was a sad evening Andy's grandfather Herby was an awsome man. It makes me so sick that Phillip and Dawson will never know him. There is no one else like Herby. He was a family man full of love and a light in this world. Andy decided to go to the funeral and I stayed home with the boys. For the first time in our lives I was left alone for multiple days, just me and the boys and it was so much fun. I felt I got a chance to really get to know them better. I knew then I would love to be a stay at home mom, which I never thought I would ever feel that way.

The boys are 5 months old. Phillip is now rolling over and when they are both on the floor the usual is dawson rolls into Phillip and Phillip pinches Dawson until Dawson starts to scream. They are only rolling over and they are a handful I can't even imagine when they begin to crawl. Dawson has begun putting his butt in the air but his head is still on the ground and I keep thinking it's only a matter of time before he figures it out. Our routine these days hasn't changed much I sleep after I get home from work at 5 am and my mom watches them into the evening. Andy watches them at night and wakes up with them. Phillip is teething and it is pretty painful for him so many nights latley have been full of Andy and I playing with them on their blanket area. Phillip likes to be tickled and smiles big at "a boo boo boo and giggedy" Dawson loves it too and he is giggling. Dawson recently has started screaching just to hear his voice I think. It is cute to watch him screach and laugh. Phillip is into putting this cloth rattle over his face, it's hillarious.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where does all the time go?

I realized I haven't posted in awhile. It seems my life has been turned upside down and keeps getting crazier by the minute! Though I have hit some pretty low times lately because of my job, my boys are the one thing that can turn my sour mood into a laughing spell. Dawson is officially rolling over. He will lay on the floor and roll over to the left over and over again. It's so cute because once he is over he doesn't know what to do face down. he mostly rolls in the one direction but has rolled the other way a few times. Phillip hasn't figured out rolling over, he is very focused on eating his hand and sometimes bites himself so hard that he begins to cry, well more like whale! We try and place them facing each other as much as possible but they don't seem to look at each other much. We have started the "Your Baby Can Read" program and so far it's going good. They love to look at the flash cards and the books, the video has their attention maybe 75% of the time. They love the music in the video and right now when Phillip is fussy the song that calms him is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star! Things are falling into place with my new position at Santa Fe, School, Andy's Job and my mom. We go to Sam's Club on regular basis and the doctors for my mom. I try to take my mom out to a nice place to eat at least once a week. They boys are great out in public. They usually sleep and if they aren't sleeping just want to be held and a part of the dinner action. It's such a wonderful fun time right now, and it;s only getting better!

Monday, March 8, 2010

2 months old and starting to smile!

It wasn't long ago that the boys just ate, drank and slept. In the past month and half they have started to be more aware of the world and it's pretty awesome. Dawson was first to smile maybe as early as the first week of his life, but now when you talk to him you know he is smiling back at you. Phillip has only recently really started to smile more and more. It is really amazing when you know it's because of you they are smiling. The feeling is of abundant joy and then it's followed by an extreme need to share the news. It's like no matter how many times I see them smile I just want to share it with others. I am constantly saying "oh did you see that?"
We bought a baby gym that you put on the floor and lie the baby underneath it's rattles and toys that hang down. Dawson loved it right away though there was no real evidence he was touching the toys on purpose. Phillip didn't like it as much. Now when you stick Dawson under the toys he bats away aiming for the toys. He mostly hits the alligator toy. Phillip also now loves the baby gym. He will even stop toys from moving with his hand which is so much progress from a few weeks ago.
To see them respond is so much fun I really can't wait for the up and coming months, let alone years, of many developments to come.

This is a picture of our first walk.

Sleepy daddy!

Andy has been working 11am to 7pm or 9am to 5pm Thursday through Monday and staying up with the babies till 1 or 2. That is when my mom takes over . I am working 9pm to 5am Tuesday through Saturday.

These are some random shots and their 2 month old picks.

My cousin Jennifer , her daughter Priscilla and boyfriend James came to Vegas to see the boys and it was a lot of fun. I took the boys everywhere it seemed and it was wonderful.

My mom is calling Dawson the alarm clock because he wakes almost on the dot every three hours to be fed. Phillip loves to be on his tummy and will fuss sometimes until he gets his way. Their fingernails grow really fast, Andy and I take turns cutting them. They do scratch up their faces if you don't cut them fast enough.

It is amazing to have my life filled with love and wonderful people! I feel so blessed to have a wonderful mother who is helping me so much by staying up long hours and always helping us out with watching the boys! I am also so grateful for my husband! Andy is truly a wonderful dad! He does anything and everything he can for his sons and I never feel alone with the responsibilities. I have friends that have come to visit and sent cards or gifts, it is amazing!